
Building on past traffic simulation work, we add an elaboration step that generates deeply nested payloads to be "run" on a network of fully instrumented "trons".

The elaborations of back-end business processes were sketched out by an ex-amazon architect for two distinct business models. These were encoded into factory methods that constructed the nested payloads based on Personatron derived data.

A Rubytron or its sister in some other technology would receive payloads as a proxy for real work. It would unwrap one layer to find instructions for itself and possibly one or more downstream payloads to be forwarded on their way.

Each tron provided a Test Point circular log which could be read and rendered as federated wiki foreign server offering up details visualized by the custom Transaction plugin. Shift-hover aligned related transactions based on an id generated in elaboration.

The setup allowed a single laptop to appear as a full functioning datacenter to the traditional agents installed the trons do their "work".