Sensor Server collectively refers to an ongoing series of projects to record and publish home sensor data.
My interest in sensor networks started with the gift of a one-wire digital temperature sensor which I brought to life with an Arduino board hooked to an old Linux server I kept running to provide local radio services. This didn't last long. Rather it began a long series of experiments exploring various aspects of the internet of things.
Various sensors, including temperature, pressure, light, audio, and ac power.
Various hosts, including arduino, osx, and centos.
Various servers, including arduino ethernet shield, sinatra and apache.
Various languages, including perl, ruby, c++, and javascript.
Various renderings, including flot and d3.js.
Throughout my tenure as a fellow I have emphasized the importance of releasing streams of data rather than reviewing, approving and deploying data manually at one point in time. This was less work in the long run and provided more value by avoiding stale information.
I already had reasonable automation in place for my various sensors. I extended this automation several ways so as to have experience feeding my own data into the federation.
Here we report the air temperature measured in Ward Cunningham's back yard.
We generate the following reports from flat files maintained within the SensorServer system with the mksensor
I had written a year's worth of blog posts about my Txtzyme experience on the DorkbotPDX web site. When an upgrade there damaged this history I chose to convert each post to a federated wiki page and host them in a site devoted to the project.
Txtzyme extends the reach of the USB bus to arbitrary electrical signals.
Continually frustrated by outages that run on for hours, I transition from Arduino to a Txtzyme system.